now those of you who know central ny, know that there is no fact, i would consider the definition of "beach" to be interpreted very loosely. i took her to green lakes state park today, where there is a large section of dirt connected to the beautiful lake. the water at green lakes looks like it's in the carribean. the sand at the "beach" couldn't be anything further. trust's dirt. anyway, true new yorkers really think this is a beach, and as a result, it was packed today with lots of scantily clad girls and guys showing off their bodies.......oh yeah, and us. heh.
anyway, we brought lunch and a sheet to sit on and ate right next to the water. emerson wasn't really caring about the sand or being on the sheet, so she got to sit in her carseat under the shade and play with her toys... for all she cared, we could have been sitting at home.
once we were done eating, i decided to liven things up a bit and take emerson into the water. you'll see the pic below...i still havent really mastered getting these pictures to post in any good order, so the pictures are posted most recent first and oldest last. after playing in the water, we decided it was time for some shade, so we went walking around green lakes. brad carried emerson in the backpack carrier, which she loves. she even fell asleep in it...leaving me with some time to sit on the edge of a ledge and dip my feet in the water. it was great.
we spent a few hours there, then came home to feed her, chill out (aka do dishes so that ants dont overtake the house) and head back out to return the baby swing to my friend who let us borrow it, and then visit her at work. after that, we did some quick shopping at wegmans (oh wegmans, how do i love thee...let me count the ways....) and headed home right in time to get her to bed.
phew...what a full day! and tomorrow is supposed to be nice too! this is turning out to be a great weekend. friday we had gone to onondaga lake park and walked around for 3 hours. that was awesome too! if we move away for a job, there are definitely things i am going to miss about this place!
anyway, pics...

emerson and daddy

happy to be going for a walk