my ornament for emerson (notice she has a blankie)

emerson's first ornament...this will be a snowbaby tradition.
so we put our christmas tree up last night. its a fake. shhhh...dont tell anyone. i swore i would never own one but i was determined to put up a tree yesterday and i didnt want to spend much money or get a large tree. i was all determined to go to crtiz farms, where you can chop your own tree down, and get a small tree there but yesterday was a big snow storm and that just didnt happen. luckily target is across the street and they had a 4.5 foot cute fake tree. its the exact size i wanted...it just isnt real. dont be fooled though about the cleanliness of it because even though it's fake, i've still had to vacuum twice already due to needles falling off! hehe...
anyway, i put up the tree and emerson wasn't too interested..but she did love looking at the tree afterwards. she thinks it's the most beautiful tree she has ever seen! and she loves her ornament on the tree too....
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