Friday, March 27, 2009

butts, bows and the pelvic thrust...

first, here is a cute picture of emerson today. i got this skirt in ithaca last weekend. its secondhand and was a great deal at $3! its a little big on her but with her cloth diapers on, it fits well enough...

emerson was sleeping the other night and i had to clip her nails and thought i would take a pic of the size difference of our hands. she is soo teeny...

Bows: i got some bows when i was in ithaca...this one is super cute!
butts: here is emerson rocking her cloth diapers. so far so good...she seems to like them, and they arent a big pain in the butt. she is still a sposie (disposable) girl most of the time, since we only have 7 cloth diapers, but i am working on gradually building the supply. these diapers will fit her until she is potty trained so i have plenty of time to build my supply up....and get some cute diapers in the process!

and finally...the pelvic thrust. i have no pictures or videos but this is emerson's newest talent. i think she might be trying to dance or something...but she loves to do a little pelvic thrust. maybe because brad is from elvis's homeland inspired emerson to adopt elvis's dance moves. anyway, its hilarious!
along with the thrusting milestone (if that is considered a milestone), emerson has recently discovered her feet and is a master of blowing rasberries. she is also getting to be a big girl...i left her with a stanger (primetime daycare at the ymca while i worked out) and she did really well. i guess she only cried every time they tried to put her down. well, that sounds about right for emerson. god forbid anyone put her in anything to play in! the lady who watched her said people kept stopping in to tell her how beautiful emerson is. i told her that most people think that all babies are cute so thats understandable. she said that she has been working in primetime a long time and has never had numerous people come in just to tell her how beautiful one of the babies is. how do i capitolize on this?!?! hehe .
and she is still thoroughly enjoying her screaming for fun phase. especially in public places that echo. she seems to enjoy it that much more when the entire mall can hear her screaming. its pretty funny but sometimes we get funny looks because people must be thinking we are doing something to hurt her....until they look at her and realize she is smiling and screaming. i have a weird kid!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

hair pulling and fuzzy buns!

emerson is one crazy gal. she has reached a new milestone...if you want to call it that. she has discovered her hair...and along with that, she has discovered that she can grab it and pull it. however, she doesn't realize that she is the one doing it and she keeps pulling and then it hurts and she starts crying. she is a nutcase. it's pretty funny to watch...

and...we have moved into the realm of hippies. break out the granola, cuz emerson is gonna be a cloth diapered baby! well, partially anyway. i got a great deal on some cloth diapers through craigslist and in the long run it will save us tons by not having to buy disposables. so far i only have 4 cloth diapers but i can build my supply gradually since i got the ones that she will fit into until she is potty trained. so tomorrow she will have a cute little fuzzy bun! the ones i got are just white and one is green, but hopefully i can eventually get some cute patterns or designs. i am excited to start!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

a titillating good time

it's official! emerson loves boobies! especially when they are shaking in her face.....and even more so if they have sparkly sequins or other adornments on them....

what does this all mean? well, it means that emerson went to her first bellydancing event last night....and she LOVED it. she was "dancing" with the bellydancers and when people were cheering on the dancers, emerson screamed right along with them. in fact, she was so excited by some fantastic dance moves, that she even screamed during the performances a few times. the dancers loved her and came over to do a little shake for her and emerson did a little shoulder shimmy or hip shake right back at them. she was cracking up laughing and was a perfect baby all night...well, except when i changed her diaper during intermission. then she threw a very high pitched screaming fit. but once the dancers came back on, she was happy as a clam again!

next time i might have to get her her own hip scarf so she can do a little performance too!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

you convinced me...

to keep blogging... although a lot of you claim not to comment because you forgot your sign in names and passwords...but you dont actually need those to post! get savvy people! :)

anyway, because of your commitment to readin, i figure you will be rewarded with more pictures and updates. firstly, emerson is now 13lbs 10oz and 25 inches long. she is in the 60th percentile for her length and head size (she has a large dome!) but is in the 30th percentile for her weight. damn kid! how come she got the skinny gene?!?! not that i want her to be fat, but seriously, how did i miss out on that one? mother nature is laughing at me....she gave my mom and my sister the skinny gene, then skipped over me and went straight to my daughter. so i am cursed to have one of those skinny daughters who is absolutely gorgeous.

although... that isnt a bad thing unless she turns out to be a prissy little princess brat. which, if anyone has been around her lately, is not a stretch from her current behavior! this kid is seriously one of the most sensitive babies i have known! i am convinced that she doesnt cry because of reflux or whatnot....its because she has a HOT temper! if you look at her the wrong way or lay her down for ONE second when she doesnt want to lay down, or do anything that is displeasing to her, she will immediately cry. and just as fast as she turns it on, she can turn it off and be smiling in 2 seconds! i swear she is bipolar! i even asked her doctor if thats even possible right now. hehe. she said that emerson is a little too young to start on bipolar medication, but she did mention that there must be a reason why brad and i were chosen to have a very difficult baby. she observed a few of emersons bipolar moments....hehe.

anyway, lately little miss emerson has discovered how to fake cough. i think she likes the sound. so now she fake coughs, and fake cries, and also screams for fun. what a whacko! hehe. she also will shove her fingers so far in her mouth that she gags herself. i already had to have a talk with her about eating disorders and how bulemia is bad for she is already so skinny already! i'm not sure she understood but they say that its never to early to have these conversations....

quick update on the rolling status..... she rolled once today. the protest is beginning to lift! i did try to get her to roll earlier today however, she kept practicing her swimming moves instead. it was kind of funny.

well, i am off to bed so here are some recent pics of my nutty kid... :)

here she is giving me dirty looks while she twirls her binky around on her thumb, waiting for me to take her out of her carseat. see that look?
if ever there was a baby that was a movie star....

posing for the paparazzi...

me and emmie the other morning. dont look at me. it was 530am (emersons idea of morning time) and i was exhausted. see how she is trying to choke me? this is one crazy baby! hehe

until next time.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

hello...anyone out there??

hey people....leave me some comments. give me some motivation to keep making blog posts. i feel like no one is reading this!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

rolling over and the discovery of other blogs...

emerson is still protesting rolling over. she is very close to rolling from back to front also. when she does this, i wonder if that will encourage her to roll the other way. she is also beginning to realize that she has feet. she has grabbed onto them quickly a few times, but has yet to get a good hold and try to put them in her mouth. personally, if i were her, i wouldnt have much of a desire to get my feet into my mouth, so maybe it isnt so much that she hasnt reached that particular milestone yet...maybe its more that she just doesnt have a desire to suck on her feet.......which honestly, i think is okay. hehe

anyway, i was searching for other mommy blogs a few weeks ago and found a blog written by a daddy. i started reading the blog and i was soooo hooked and found myself reading it for hours....and crying. you should check it out. it actually recently has gotten to be well known through usa today or something like that. its
just to prepare you in case you want to check it out, it was written by matt as a journal to keep his family posted on his wife's pregnancy. she had a rough last few weeks and their daughter was born early via a c-section. madeline, the baby, had to go to the nicu after mom and dad got to see her for a few minutes. then the next day when the wife was getting into a wheelchair to go to the nicu to hold her daughter for the first time, she suddenly died due to a blood clot. the rest of the blog is matt grieving over the loss of his wife and discovering how to be a good dad to his brand new baby girl. it is very uplifting to read but obviously has a good amount of sadness in it. i strongly suggest you read it. he also created a non profit organization in his wife's name for people in similar situations, and i would really suggest donating if you can. its a good cause....and a sad story....

anyway, little miss emerson wants to eat so i gotta run!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

my baby is a rock star!

last weekend emerson became a skateboarding rock star! here are the pictures to prove it...

turns out i was right about her and rolling over. after those 3 rolls on valentines day, i think she is officially protesting ever rolling over again. she hasnt done it since. i still put her on her tummy every day, and she looks at me like "what?!?! i already rolled over, what do you want from me NOW??!!!" yeah, she isnt havin it.
she still is my little "scream-o" though. every day, she will scream just for fun. in fact, i was out with a friend at the olive garden yesterday (yummm!!! it's almost worth not seeing someone for almost a year if you get to meet at the olive garden to reconnect!)....anyway, in the middle of the lobby, emerson decided that it was a good time to test her lung power. on top of the noise of all the people waiting for tables, you could hear a very high pitched baby screaming her heart out :) hehe. she also did it the other day at the mall too. brad and i were walking through the mall with emerson in the sling, and she started by making little talking noise, which quickly turned into her screaming at the top of her lungs with a big smile on her face. she was pretty proud. we thought it was pretty funny.....
well, she just woke up from her nap so i need to go get her before she flips out....