turns out i was right about her and rolling over. after those 3 rolls on valentines day, i think she is officially protesting ever rolling over again. she hasnt done it since. i still put her on her tummy every day, and she looks at me like "what?!?! i already rolled over, what do you want from me NOW??!!!" yeah, she isnt havin it.
she still is my little "scream-o" though. every day, she will scream just for fun. in fact, i was out with a friend at the olive garden yesterday (yummm!!! it's almost worth not seeing someone for almost a year if you get to meet at the olive garden to reconnect!)....anyway, in the middle of the lobby, emerson decided that it was a good time to test her lung power. on top of the noise of all the people waiting for tables, you could hear a very high pitched baby screaming her heart out :) hehe. she also did it the other day at the mall too. brad and i were walking through the mall with emerson in the sling, and she started by making little talking noise, which quickly turned into her screaming at the top of her lungs with a big smile on her face. she was pretty proud. we thought it was pretty funny.....
well, she just woke up from her nap so i need to go get her before she flips out....
I steal your pictures too!!! :-O