okay...here are lots of pics and some descriptions to go with them!
bradley and emerson's first train ride...into boston!

emerson loves to hold onto poles. notice a theme in the pics. hehe.

excited on the pole
here is a bubble pole at the childrens museum..and emerson standing on her own!

making her "mad" face...hahaha

i think brad liked the bubble room as much as bradley!

bradley under the turtle tank

butterflies landing on brad

emerson's first subway (T) ride. she knew exactly what to do so she wouldnt fall!

auntie kia (chocolate auntie) with baby camden and us!

brad and emerson looking out into the ocean in gloucester..

letting emerson get her feet wet.

bradley and emerson getting to see boats go through the bridge for the first time.

emerson riding a squirrel at stage fort park

emerson and daddy on the squirrel

emerson loved swinging!

emerson likes sean's box better! at sean's 1st birthday party!

emerson sitting in the sand at stage fort

me and emerson on the 4th of july! she is a party animal!

emerson and cousin hayley in the pool

playing in her baby pool on the 4th of july

Fletcher said he really loved those pole pictures ;)